Monday, November 18, 2013

Virtues/Vices Quick Guide

This is something I put together for the 8th grade religion class that I teach.

Virtue - Good habit
Mnemonic for Cardinal Virtues: PJFT (Peanut-butter, Jelly, French, Toast)

Wisdom Chapter 8:7
P -> Prudence - making good decisions
J -> Justice - giving to each his due
F -> Fortitude - perseverance, strength
T -> Temperance - restraint in temptation or desire

1 Cor. 13:13
Theological Virtues: Faith, Hope, Charity
Faith - The acceptance of the word of another, trusting that one knows what the other is saying and is honest in telling the truth.
Hope - The confident desire of obtaining a future good that is difficult to attain.
Charity - The infused supernatural virtue by which a person loves God above all things for his own sake, and loves others for God's sake.
    - Servant of God Fr. John Hardon S.J., Modern Catholic Dictionary

Vice - Bad habit
Deadly Sins - Another name for the seven capital sins. They may be called deadly because they are tendencies to those basic sins which, if deliberately and fully consented to, deprive a person of the supernatural life of God in the soul.
    - Servant of God Fr. John Hardon S.J., Modern Catholic Dictionary

Galatians 5:19-21
1 Corinthians 6:10
Mnemonic for Seven Deadly/Capital Sins: PALE GAS
P -> Pride - high opinion of oneself, desire to be considered as better than one is
A -> Anger - emotional sense of displeasure
L -> Lust - desire for sexual pleasure outside of God's purposes for it within marriage
E -> Envy - sadness or discontent because of another person's success
G -> Gluttony - eating or drinking an excessive amount
A -> Avarice - extreme desire for material things
S -> Sloth - laziness

Note: I first heard about these mnemonics from Dr. Taylor Marshall.  He has a great blog at, and I suggest that you check his blog out.


  1. Manhattan, KS - 56. A huge victory today as the town of Manhattan, KS fell to Mary's Immaculate Heart! This is the biggest victory since the campaign began. Join the fight!

  2. I've been a lurker for a while. I really enjoy your blog! Here are a list of the local towns
    Roseland, FL - 1
    Grant-Valkaria, FL - 4
    Indian River Shores, FL -4

  3. Deo Gratias!!! We have a 2nd knight! A splinter cell has been at work in Florida. haha This is a cause for celebration. Welcome to the Knights Rob, and thank you for your victories for Our Lady in Florida! I will get these towns added to the map right away.
